Turtle Hybrid Crib

Popular with firefighters and repair technicians working on small equipment, the Hybrid Crib is the new standard in light application plastic cribbing blocks. This block has two surfaces in one crib: Pyramid design securely interlocks; the “Lincoln log” style sides allow for additional stability and multiple stacking configurations for vehicle extrication cribbing.


  • Part # 44PL-18
  • Dimensions: 4″ x 4″ x 18″
  • Product Unit Weight: 2.7kg/6lbs.
  • Light duty capability.
  • Perfect for stabilizing cars and smaller equipment.
  • Lanyard on one side of block.
  • *Available as a Crib Toter Kit; see Fire & Rescue Kits.
  • This product is also available as a Crib Toter Kit.
  • Has a specific interlocking top/bottom pad for extra protection of stack.
  • Working Load: 20,500kg/45,194lbs.

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